Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Jasmine is a 16 year old 10th grader who has low self estem. This low self esteem has led to problems socially with her peers and others around her. Some of the problems have come from how she has interacted with others in the past, she was in a level 3 EBD room and did not have many good interactions due to her behaviors. She has now become more mainstream but previous interactions have made it hard for her to be accepted.


  1. I'm not quite sure what behavior is being targeted here, but it sounds like she would definitely benefit from some role-playing and instruction on how to make friends or ask someone to hang out.

    Positive, consistent attention can help bolster some students' low self-esteem. Also, finding a hobby or skill she can practice and master might build her confidence and give her an interest to share with new friends.

  2. I am not able to understand what the behavior is we are trying to work on, but it does sound as though she would benefit from some help with social interactions. If her school offers some kind of small group social skills class, she would probably benefit from that.

    I would agree with El that getting her involved with an extra-curricular activity or group would also help to bolster her self-esteem and feel more positive about her own abilities.

    Finally, it may be helpful for her self-esteem and her social skills to get a part-time job. She would meet new people, earn money and learn some valuable skills which would no doubt help her to feel better about herself.

  3. Jasmine might benefit from having a job at school in which she can be successful and maybe boost her self-esteem. A small discussion group where she can talk about problems might also be helpful. Without knowing what the target behavior is, its hard to come up with interventions.

  4. Jasmine would benefit from a social skills group where she can work on friendship skills. It would also be beneficial to find out what Jasmine's intersts and hobbies are. Jasmine could hopefully join a club or activity where she feels good about herself and is able to interact with her peers. Also, if there is a school counselor that could meet with her to assess her low self-esteem.
