Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Trent is a thirteen year old, seventh grade student at District 287. His hoem district is Robbinsdale. Trent has been in district 287 for four years and is receiving special eduation services under the EBD label. Trent currently lives with his father and has visitation with his mother on the weekends. He has one brother who is currently incarcarated, and a half-sister with whom he currently lives. Trent has historically been in trouble within the community. He is both physically and verbally aggressive at school. As of lately, he has increased his occurance of lashing out physically at staff and students.

The behavior being observed is physical aggression. The operational definition for physical aggression is throwing things, hitting or kicking others, spitting, pushing through staff, and fighting with peers.

The target is to gain control over the situation and to escape responsibility for his actions.


  1. Trent does need to have a level of control. I would try to give him that in his assignments, and anything else that is feasible. For example, what seat he chooses, how he writes (pencil or computer)...However, I would not allow him to escape responsibility for his actions. I would start him in a space with very few other students, as few as 2-3 if possible and very clear expectations. After being successful in that setting he could proceed to a larger setting with a few more choices.

  2. Trent needs to learn coping skills, such as anger management and relaxing techniques. For anger management, what is setting him off? Does he know what is setting him off? He needs to learn to control his temper by possibly using calming techniques.

  3. I think that Trent needs to learn some self mointering and self relaxation tehcniques. Maybe once a week he could meet with a specialist and learn and practice these techniques. It sounds as if Trent has either learned these behaviors froma parent and or is so frusturated with his obstacles withen his life that he doesnt know how to express these emotions other then anger. I think he needs verbal praise for WHEN he IS behaving and this may help him understand that he gets a LOT more attention when he behaves then doesnt behave. I think that he Trent could begin to realize all the positive attention he recieves for wanted behavor then he would slowly diminsih the negative behavior.

  4. So the question is: what happened in the past few weeks that prompted the increase in aggressive behavior? It might be beneficial to have Trent speak with someone he trusts (if there is such a person) and find out if there's anything going on behind the scenes.

    Teaching an alternative behavior might be useful if Trent can identify his own breaking points and self-monitor a bit. If he can't do those things, I suggest working through identifying his feelings both before and during an aggressive situation.

    Reminding Trent that he has alternatives (and giving him a way out) might help as his anger increases (ex. "Trent, your face is scrunching up and you're clenching your fists. It looks like you're angry. If you need to, you can go to the back of the class for a five-minute break.")

  5. If Trent wants control, let him have some, but only in deciding when he will do his academic work, not if he has to do it. He shouldn't be excused from doing anything, or allowed to behave aggressively in order to escape his work. If he wants free time, reward him with it after he has completed an assignment. Give him some options as to how he can spend the free time. He might also self-monitor his behavior. Have him keep a journal (teacher could keep one, too) and see if he notices a pattern in his own behavior. After he's had an episode, talk it through with him and see if he can pinpoint what set him off. Suggest some ways that he could head off the anger.

  6. I think Trent needs some time to learn some coping skills. Maybe some time at the school psychologist would benefit him. Having that one on one time to find out what is going on in his life and how he is feeling about it.
